On the threshold of a milestone birthday, Stephanie Levy decided to boldly pivot her life, and begin a new career as a Psychedelic Integration Coach.
The former lawyer had experienced her own spiritual and psychological shifts that left an impact she couldn’t ignore.
Stephanie opened up to tell us about what the journey has been like, why her business is called Kaleidomind, and what she does to cultivate the moods that sustain her through this major life shift.
First - What is psychedelic integration?
Psychedelic integration entails incorporating the insights and breakthroughs from a psychedelic journey into your life. When taken in the proper setting, psychedelics can be incredibly healing and transformative. They can correct past narratives, interrupt limiting patterns, and can reveal the full expression of your greatness. It’s only through the process of integration, however, that these discoveries can be absorbed and turned into lasting change, into true self-acceptance and wholeness.
So, this isn’t just a code for “doing drugs?”
Not at all. They’re not “drugs” in this context. These are entheogens, medicines, sacraments. They aren’t for entertainment or a distraction; they’re powerful way-showers of healing and self-discovery.
I want to emphasize that although psychedelics can be a powerful catalyst, they’re not a prerequisite for true self emergence. Whether or not you are working with them, my role as an integration specialist and transformational coach is to reconnect you with your powerful inner self. And if psychedelics are part of your journey, my role is also to support and guide you through the preparation, navigation and integration of your experience.
How did you get into this work?
I would almost say this work got into me!
Along my own path of personal growth and transformation, my biggest insights and breakthrough moments came during and after profound experiences stemming from mediation, breathwork, and floats. I deliberately processed the lessons and takeaways, methodically practising, absorbing, and weaving them in, so that the changes would become part of the larger tapestry of my being.
By the time I was embarking on intentional psychedelic journeys, I was experienced at incorporating insights into daily life, to bringing parts back together into the whole. That’s integration.
What does “KaleidoMind” represent?
The name of my business was inspired by -you guessed it- the kaleidoscope. Just as a turn of a kaleidoscope turns scattered bits of glass into beautiful, intricate patterns, even a small shift can reshape our inner landscape and transform the mosaic of our lives. We can learn to embrace change, let go of constraints and burdens, and find joy and wonder in the infinite potential that lies in the unknown.
What is the one thing about psychedelic integration that you want people to know?
Without integration, you’ve simply had an experience -perhaps an amazing one- but it’s likely to fade away into your memories like a dream. Integrating the lessons and wisdom is the key to creating change that lasts.
What brings you joy in life?
How much time do you have? Starting with outer space -come on, how amazing is that? There’s space out there!
Coming in closer, shooting stars, the sun, moon, pretty clouds, rain, rainbows, mountains, trees, the ocean, whales and dolphins, my family, the people I love, people singing along at concerts, watching people greet each other at airports, seeing parents hold their babies for the first time, eagles, butterflies, honeybees… it’s an endless list, really. There’s so much joy out there once you start looking
What makes you feel safe or like you belong?
Learning to reset and calm my nervous system has given me the ability to find safety in almost every place and situation. Otherwise, I feel safe when I’m in connection with my family and loved ones. We are truly wired to connect!
What are some small ways you take care of your well-being?
Sleep and movement are essential foundations. I love reformer pilates and going for walks, especially out in nature. My morning routine is short and sweet and includes breathwork, grounding, and embodiment, which helps set the tone for the day. But without that precious sleep, everything can get thrown off.
What is the one small thing you do that always turns your mood around?
It’s important for me to not just bypass an uncomfortable mood. If there are emotions to process, I tune in and let them have their say. That helps clear the way for me to orient to the positive. A favourite of my tools for this is to look for “glimmers,” which are the opposite of a trigger. They’re tiny moments or cues that spark joy, peace, or connection. Rainbows, sunlight sparkling on water, a flower growing in cracks in the pavement, dewdrops on a spiderweb, moonlight, a child taking my hand…
The thing that brought unexpected peace in your life was/is…
Surprisingly, this came after my son received a medical diagnosis. My survival-brain wanted to spin and worry and catastrophize, which would have served no good purpose. The emotions were uncomfortable to process, but I eventually reached an entirely new level of staying in the present moment and of letting go of the outcome. - which is, for me, the very definition of inner peace.
You feel sexiest when…
…when I’m tapped into my inner confidence! What more do you really need? But it’s also admittedly super fun to put on some makeup and a pretty dress and head out for an evening!
You feel most inspired and powerful when…
…when I’m out in nature. A quiet forest, the stormy ocean, a calm lake, a snowy mountain…there’s so much beauty and power in nature. It’s both grounding and uplifting to be surrounded by and connected with so much pure life.
If you could give your 20 year old self advice, you would say…
Take advice? That girl? Ha!
What I would do instead is go back in time and give her love. Love from me to me, so that she feels it from within instead of seeking it externally. I think that’s one of the biggest lessons in life: Love was there, inside me, all along.
Other than your family and friends, the mark you hope to leave behind as your legacy is…
If I’ve helped guide even one person to a place of healing and reconnection with their True Self, the reverberations are exponential. When you heal yourself, you heal the world, as the saying goes. It sounds grandiose, but it’s truly just like tossing a small pebble into a still pond. One tiny ripple can completely change the face of the water.
Favourite things that boost your mood, right now?
This isn’t a thing but a person - Valentine Giambattista is a magical human who offers restorative yoga, reiki healing, card readings, astrological sessions, EFT tapping, and more. After one of her Magic Hour classes at Chi Junky in Toronto I feel completely renewed!
You can continue to follow Stephanie's work and life by emailing her, and keeping your eye out for her soon-to-launch website here: www.kaleidomind.co .
Stay connected for a future video interview with Stephanie, and hear more about how she continues to live authentically in her work with psychedelic integration, wellness, womanhood, sex, love, life, and everyday moods.